Work History

Randye Polk

School Library Media Specialist
Rock Hill,SC


Dynamic School Library Media Specialist with a proven track record at Rock Hill Schools, enhancing student research skills and promoting reading. Skilled in managing library resources, implementing technology, and developing engaging educational programs. Known for adaptability and reliability and facilitating student and faculty access to educational materials. Committed to creating engaging and supportive library environment that enhances student achievement. Demonstrated ability to manage digital and physical resources efficiently while providing exceptional support to both students and staff.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

School Library Media Specialist

Rock Hill Schools (York3)
Rock Hill, SC
08.2006 - Current
  • Enhanced student research skills by implementing a comprehensive information literacy program.
  • Established a welcoming environment within the library space that encouraged students to utilize its resources for both academic pursuits and personal interests.
  • Served as an advocate for intellectual freedom by educating stakeholders about challenges surrounding censorship issues faced by libraries nationwide.
  • Established a library volunteer program that provided opportunities for parents, community members, and older students to become involved in supporting the school library media center.
  • Managed the acquisition, cataloging, processing, and weeding of library materials to ensure a relevant collection for all users.
  • Improved access to educational resources by maintaining a well-organized and up-to-date collection of print, digital, and multimedia materials.
  • Developed customized reading lists tailored specifically to individual student interests in order to promote independent reading habits and boost overall literacy levels.
  • Located library materials, resources and technologies to fulfill patron requests.
  • Monitored library environments to maintain safe, hazard-free settings.
  • Handled check-in and check-out process of library books and materials at circulation desk.
  • Organized library shelves, materials and equipment in clear, alphabetized order.
  • Assisted patrons with printing and copying according to personalized requirements.
  • Placed books on proper shelves when returned to circulation.
  • Collected fees, fines and donations for balanced library finances.
  • Set up computer and digital device access, providing assistance with use and operation.
  • Helped children select appropriate reading level library books.
  • Answered questions from patrons and helped to find desired materials.
  • Maintained secure environment by monitoring visitors at front desk.
  • Worked with teachers to provide students with lifelong learning and research skills.
  • Notified supervisors when major equipment repairs were needed.
  • Joined forces with teachers and administrators to support curriculum content, learning outcomes and student information needs.
  • Incorporated library services into lessons while also driving curiosity, engaging students and supporting lifelong learning.

School Library Media Specialist

Guilford County Schools
High Point, NC
08.2002 - 06.2006
  • Promoted reading for pleasure among students, resulting in higher circulation statistics and greater enthusiasm for literature.
  • Increased collaboration between teachers and library staff through regular communication and joint lesson planning sessions.
  • Located library materials, resources and technologies to fulfill patron requests.
  • Handled check-in and check-out process of library books and materials at circulation desk.
  • Monitored library environments to maintain safe, hazard-free settings.
  • Organized library shelves, materials and equipment in clear, alphabetized order.
  • Placed books on proper shelves when returned to circulation.
  • Collected fees, fines and donations for balanced library finances.
  • Helped children select appropriate reading level library books.
  • Answered questions from patrons and helped to find desired materials.
  • Organized library catalog, supplies, equipment and records.
  • Worked with teachers to provide students with lifelong learning and research skills.
  • Taught children about library practices via individual and group instruction.
  • Educated library patrons about policies for checking out materials and using resources.
  • Oversaw media, catalog and instructional areas.

School Library Media Specialist

Guilford County Schools
High Point, North Carolina
11.2001 - 06.2002

School Library Media Specialist

Birmingham Public Schools
Birmingham, Michigan
08.2000 - 03.2001

School Library Media Specialist

Chesterfield County School District
Chesterfield , SC
08.1998 - 03.2000

School Library Media Specialist

Greenville County School District
Greenville, SC
08.1997 - 11.1997

School Library Media Specialist

Greenville County School District
Greenville, SC
11.1996 - 05.1997

School Library Media Specialist

Anderson District 5
Anderson, SC
08.1996 - 10.1996

School Library Media Specialist

Chesterfield County School District
Ruby, SC
08.1993 - 05.1996


Master of Library And Information Science - School Librarianship

University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC
08.1991 - 05.1993

Bachelor of Arts - English

Furman University
Greenville, SC
08.1987 - 06.1991


Student engagement

Collection development

Reference services

Online research

Website maintenance

Multimedia production

Information literacy

Digital citizenship

Reading promotion

Cataloging and shelving

Library instruction

Cataloging of materials

Self motivation

Reading groups


South Carolina Association of School Librarians

Member at large

Professional Awards Committee Member

SC Junior Book Award Committee Member

Presenter at SCASL

Old English Consortium

Presenter at OEC for School Librarians

Coach, Academic Challenge Team

Sponsor, National Beta Club, Junior Chapter

Website Manager

Digital Sign Manager

Sponsor, Raider Nation News, live daily news broadcast


School Library Media Specialist

Rock Hill Schools (York3)
08.2006 - Current

School Library Media Specialist

Guilford County Schools
08.2002 - 06.2006

School Library Media Specialist

Guilford County Schools
11.2001 - 06.2002

School Library Media Specialist

Birmingham Public Schools
08.2000 - 03.2001

School Library Media Specialist

Chesterfield County School District
08.1998 - 03.2000

School Library Media Specialist

Greenville County School District
08.1997 - 11.1997

School Library Media Specialist

Greenville County School District
11.1996 - 05.1997

School Library Media Specialist

Anderson District 5
08.1996 - 10.1996

School Library Media Specialist

Chesterfield County School District
08.1993 - 05.1996

Master of Library And Information Science - School Librarianship

University of South Carolina
08.1991 - 05.1993

Bachelor of Arts - English

Furman University
08.1987 - 06.1991
Randye PolkSchool Library Media Specialist